Friday, June 5, 2009

The Poll is a living document...

So, bear with me as I learn to blog. I apparently forgot to change the poll closing time from the default, which was about 7 days. So, please re-cast your votes...if you're still checking this page. At the request of my elders, I have also added the name Hasten to the mix (which I like). Hasten Kierbow was my Grandmother, Reba's, dad. All I know about him, is that he was called Pappa Kierbow and he chased my Dad with a switch (or a small branch). Vote on!

Friday, May 22, 2009

My middle name is missing...

So, my dad put a poll up over on the right side of the page---->

Check it out. Vote for your favorite. Or...if you have a better idea: Pencil, or type, a new name in the comments for this thread, and I'll see if dad will add it to the list.

Love to all!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

This one's my favorite. My baby junk. da-donk-a-donk-donk.

Trey's note: Notice the relation of his thigh to his penis. That's like half way down...

The doctor wanted a good look at my inner workings, and I didn't want to make things hard on him; so I laid out in the prone position for a bit.

Trey's note: This one is my favorite! You can see his heart and giant brain.

Pictures of me.

This is my face from the top. I was pretending I was a vampire in this one.

Trey's note: This one was trippy in real life. While she was moving the sonogram you could really make out his face. He's so handsome it's scary.

I'll be running Will's Blog for a while.

Due to the fact that his eye lids are fused shut. ...and he's also trapped in the most beautiful walking incubator on the planet. That makes it hard to type. So, I'll be helping out for a while... Bear with us, and I'll do my best until Will gets around to handling this thing himself.

Until then, enjoy.


(Will's Dad)